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  • Writer's pictureTeresa Wallace

Don't Make a Resolution. Make a Change.

Updated: Jan 2, 2020

Raise your hand if you've ever made a New Year's resolution.

Now, raise your hand if you've ever kept a New Year's resolution.

Ya, that's what I thought.

According to the University of Scranton, only 8% of us will achieve those ideals set forth on January 1st. Perhaps even more telling, most of us will have failed our well intended resolutions by January 12th (so says, Strava).

So what do the experts say about the our dismissal resolution success rates?

Unrealistic expectations. We fail because our resolutions are inherently unachievable.

So this year, don't make a resolution. Make a change.

Make a change that you can keep.

Here's my go-to list for positive change making. It's based on research promise (hello SMART goals), just perhaps more digestible.

1. Start small and be specific.

2. Ask yourself, "Is this the right goal for me?"

3. If yes, make a plan. Write it down.

3. Create measurable parts.

4. Measure the measurable parts.

5. Celebrate your successes.

6. Don't stop if you mess up.

7. Be patient with yourself.

Change is possible. It takes time, patience and grit. But you got this!!

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